Log likelihood for normal distribution
data frame with fx
for the pdf value of with dMean
that has the derivatives with respect to the parameters at
the observation time-point
In an rxode2()
model, you can use llikNorm()
but you have to
use all arguments. You can also get the derivatives with
and llikNormDsd()
# \donttest{
#> fx dMean dSd
#> 1 -0.9189385 0 -1
llikNorm(seq(-2,2,length.out=10), full=TRUE)
#> x mean sd fx dMean dSd
#> 1 -2.0000000 0 1 -2.9189385 -2.0000000 3.0000000
#> 2 -1.5555556 0 1 -2.1288151 -1.5555556 1.4197531
#> 3 -1.1111111 0 1 -1.5362225 -1.1111111 0.2345679
#> 4 -0.6666667 0 1 -1.1411608 -0.6666667 -0.5555556
#> 5 -0.2222222 0 1 -0.9436299 -0.2222222 -0.9506173
#> 6 0.2222222 0 1 -0.9436299 0.2222222 -0.9506173
#> 7 0.6666667 0 1 -1.1411608 0.6666667 -0.5555556
#> 8 1.1111111 0 1 -1.5362225 1.1111111 0.2345679
#> 9 1.5555556 0 1 -2.1288151 1.5555556 1.4197531
#> 10 2.0000000 0 1 -2.9189385 2.0000000 3.0000000
# With rxode2 you can use:
et <- et(-3, 3, length.out=10)
et$mu <- 0
et$sigma <- 1
model <- function(){
fx <- llikNorm(time, mu, sigma)
dMean <- llikNormDmean(time, mu, sigma)
dSd <- llikNormDsd(time, mu, sigma)
ret <- rxSolve(model, et)
#> ℹ parameter labels from comments are typically ignored in non-interactive mode
#> ℹ Need to run with the source intact to parse comments
#> using C compiler: ‘gcc (Ubuntu 13.3.0-6ubuntu2~24.04) 13.3.0’
#> ── Solved rxode2 object ──
#> ── Parameters (value$params): ──
#> # A tibble: 1 × 0
#> ── Initial Conditions (value$inits): ──
#> named numeric(0)
#> ── First part of data (object): ──
#> # A tibble: 10 × 6
#> time fx dMean dSd mu sigma
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 -3 -5.42 -3 8 0 1
#> 2 -2.33 -3.64 -2.33 4.44 0 1
#> 3 -1.67 -2.31 -1.67 1.78 0 1
#> 4 -1 -1.42 -1 0 0 1
#> 5 -0.333 -0.974 -0.333 -0.889 0 1
#> 6 0.333 -0.974 0.333 -0.889 0 1
#> # ℹ 4 more rows
# }