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Update an oncology xenograft model based on Simeoni 2004


  damagedCmtName = "damagedCells",
  drugEffectName = "drugEffectCyclingCells",
  undamagedCmtName = "cyclingCells",
  tumorVolName = "tumorVol",
  transitRateName = "damageTransit"



Fitted object or function specifying the model.


The desired number of damaged cell compartments

damagedCmtName, undamagedCmtName, tumorVolName

character string names for the compartments for damaged cells, undamaged cells, and the calculated tumor volume (the sum of undamaged and damaged cells)

drugEffectName, transitRateName

character string names of the drug effect and transit rate (as used in the model block)


An updated model with the new number of compartments


readModelDb("oncology_xenograft_simeoni_2004") %>%
  updateOncologyXenograftSimeoni2004(ncmt = 5)
#>  You can modify the number of damaged cell compartments in the model using the function updateOncologyXenograftSimeoni2004(model, ncmt)
#>  add covariate `damagedCells1`
#>  add covariate `damagedCells2`
#>  add covariate `damagedCells3`
#>  add covariate `damagedCells4`
#>  add covariate `damagedCells5`
#>  ── rxode2-based free-form 6-cmt ODE model ────────────────────────────────────── 
#>  ── Initalization: ──  
#> Fixed Effects ($theta): 
#>  ldamageTransit      ldrugSlope ltumorExpGrowth ltumorLinGrowth  tumorVolpropSd 
#>     -0.03252319     -7.37137930     -1.29828348     -0.20579491      0.20000000 
#>   tumorVoladdSd 
#>     30.00000000 
#> States ($state or $stateDf): 
#>   Compartment Number Compartment Name
#> 1                  1     cyclingCells
#> 2                  2    damagedCells1
#> 3                  3    damagedCells2
#> 4                  4    damagedCells3
#> 5                  5    damagedCells4
#> 6                  6    damagedCells5
#>  ── Model (Normalized Syntax): ── 
#> function() {
#>     description <- "Oncology tumor growth model in xenograft models"
#>     reference <- "Monica Simeoni, Paolo Magni, Cristiano Cammia, Giuseppe De Nicolao, Valter Croci, Enrico Pesenti, Massimiliano Germani, Italo Poggesi, Maurizio Rocchetti; Predictive Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Tumor Growth Kinetics in Xenograft Models after Administration of Anticancer Agents. Cancer Res 1 February 2004; 64 (3): 1094–1101."
#>     ini({
#>         ldamageTransit <- c(-2.30258509299405, -0.0325231917055601, 
#>             2.30258509299405)
#>         label("Transit rate through damage (1/day)")
#>         ldrugSlope <- c(-11.5129254649702, -7.37137930126383, 
#>             -2.30258509299405)
#>         label("Linear drug effect on cycling cells (1/(day*ng/mL))")
#>         ltumorExpGrowth <- c(-6.90775527898214, -1.29828348379718, 
#>             0.693147180559945)
#>         label("Tumor exponential growth rate (1/day)")
#>         ltumorLinGrowth <- c(-4.60517018598809, -0.205794912979597, 
#>             1.6094379124341)
#>         label("Tumor linear growth rate (tumor volume/day)")
#>         tumorVolpropSd <- c(0, 0.2)
#>         label("Proportional residual error (fraction)")
#>         tumorVoladdSd <- c(0, 30)
#>         label("Additive residual error (tumor volume)")
#>     })
#>     model({
#>         damageTransit <- exp(ldamageTransit)
#>         drugSlope <- exp(ldrugSlope)
#>         tumorExpGrowth <- exp(ltumorExpGrowth)
#>         tumorLinGrowth <- exp(ltumorLinGrowth)
#>         cyclingCells(0) <- tumorVol0
#>         psi <- 20
#>         tumorVol <- cyclingCells + damagedCells1 + damagedCells2 + 
#>             damagedCells3 + damagedCells4 + damagedCells5
#>         drugEffectCyclingCells <- drugSlope * cp
#>         d/dt(cyclingCells) <- tumorExpGrowth * cyclingCells/(1 + 
#>             (tumorExpGrowth/tumorLinGrowth * tumorVol)^psi)^(1/psi) - 
#>             drugEffectCyclingCells * cyclingCells
#>         tumorVol ~ prop(tumorVolpropSd) + add(tumorVoladdSd)
#>         d/dt(damagedCells1) <- drugEffectCyclingCells * cyclingCells - 
#>             damageTransit * damagedCells1
#>         d/dt(damagedCells2) <- damageTransit * (damagedCells1 - 
#>             damagedCells2)
#>         d/dt(damagedCells3) <- damageTransit * (damagedCells2 - 
#>             damagedCells3)
#>         d/dt(damagedCells4) <- damageTransit * (damagedCells3 - 
#>             damagedCells4)
#>         d/dt(damagedCells5) <- damageTransit * (damagedCells4 - 
#>             damagedCells5)
#>     })
#> }