This function gets a model from the available model library
- name
character with the name of the model to load (if
, lists all available base models)- eta
vector with the parameters to add random effects (sometimes referred to as inter-individual variability, IIV) on
- reserr
The type or types of residual error (currently
, and"lnormSd"
are accepted)
modellib(name = "PK_1cmt")
#> function() {
#> description <- "One compartment PK model with linear clearance"
#> ini({
#> lka <- 0.45 ; label("Absorption rate (Ka)")
#> lcl <- 1 ; label("Clearance (CL)")
#> lvc <- 3.45 ; label("Central volume of distribution (V)")
#> propSd <- 0.5 ; label("Proportional residual error (fraction)")
#> })
#> model({
#> ka <- exp(lka)
#> cl <- exp(lcl)
#> vc <- exp(lvc)
#> Cc <- linCmt()
#> Cc ~ prop(propSd)
#> })
#> }
#> <environment: 0x5560f9d18c80>
modellib(name = "PK_1cmt", eta = c("ka", "vc"), reserr = "addSd")
#> → Adding eta to lka instead of ka due to mu-referencing
#> → Adding eta to lvc instead of vc due to mu-referencing
#> ℹ parameter labels from comments are typically ignored in non-interactive mode
#> ℹ Need to run with the source intact to parse comments
#> ℹ parameter labels from comments are typically ignored in non-interactive mode
#> ℹ Need to run with the source intact to parse comments
#> ℹ promote `etaKa` to between subject variability with initial estimate 0.1
#> ℹ change initial estimate of `etaKa` to `0.1`
#> ℹ promote `etaVc` to between subject variability with initial estimate 0.1
#> ℹ change initial estimate of `etaVc` to `0.1`
#> ℹ parameter labels from comments are typically ignored in non-interactive mode
#> ℹ Need to run with the source intact to parse comments
#> ℹ parameter labels from comments are typically ignored in non-interactive mode
#> ℹ Need to run with the source intact to parse comments
#> ! remove population parameter `propSd`
#> ℹ add residual parameter `CcAddSd` and set estimate to 1
#> ℹ change initial estimate of `CcAddSd` to `1`
#> ── rxode2-based solved PK 1-compartment model with first-order absorption ──────
#> ── Initalization: ──
#> Fixed Effects ($theta):
#> lka lcl lvc CcAddSd
#> 0.45 1.00 3.45 1.00
#> Omega ($omega):
#> etaKa etaVc
#> etaKa 0.1 0.0
#> etaVc 0.0 0.1
#> ── μ-referencing ($muRefTable): ──
#> theta eta level
#> 1 lka etaKa id
#> 2 lvc etaVc id
#> ── Model (Normalized Syntax): ──
#> function() {
#> description <- "One compartment PK model with linear clearance"
#> ini({
#> lka <- 0.45
#> label("Absorption rate (Ka)")
#> lcl <- 1
#> label("Clearance (CL)")
#> lvc <- 3.45
#> label("Central volume of distribution (V)")
#> CcAddSd <- c(0, 1)
#> etaKa ~ 0.1
#> etaVc ~ 0.1
#> })
#> model({
#> ka <- exp(lka + etaKa)
#> cl <- exp(lcl)
#> vc <- exp(lvc + etaVc)
#> Cc <- linCmt()
#> Cc ~ add(CcAddSd)
#> })
#> }
modellib(name = "PK_1cmt", reserr = "addSd")
#> ! remove population parameter `propSd`
#> ℹ add residual parameter `CcAddSd` and set estimate to 1
#> ℹ change initial estimate of `CcAddSd` to `1`
#> ── rxode2-based solved PK 1-compartment model with first-order absorption ──────
#> ── Initalization: ──
#> Fixed Effects ($theta):
#> lka lcl lvc CcAddSd
#> 0.45 1.00 3.45 1.00
#> ── Model (Normalized Syntax): ──
#> function() {
#> description <- "One compartment PK model with linear clearance"
#> ini({
#> lka <- 0.45
#> label("Absorption rate (Ka)")
#> lcl <- 1
#> label("Clearance (CL)")
#> lvc <- 3.45
#> label("Central volume of distribution (V)")
#> CcAddSd <- c(0, 1)
#> })
#> model({
#> ka <- exp(lka)
#> cl <- exp(lcl)
#> vc <- exp(lvc)
#> Cc <- linCmt()
#> Cc ~ add(CcAddSd)
#> })
#> }