This turns on the silent REprintf in C when suppressMessages() is turned on. This makes the REprintf act like messages in R, they can be suppressed with suppressMessages()





Matthew Fidler


# rxParseSuppressMsg() is called with rxode2()

# Note the errors are output to the console

try(rxode2parse("d/dt(matt)=/3"), silent = TRUE)

# When using suppressMessages, the output is suppressed

suppressMessages(try(rxode2parse("d/dt(matt)=/3"), silent = TRUE))

# In rxode2, we use REprintf so that interrupted threads do not crash R
# if there is a user interrupt. This isn't captured by R's messages, but
# This interface allows the `suppressMessages()` to suppress the C printing
# as well

# If you  want to suppress messages from rxode2 in other packages, you can use
# this function