Log likelihood of T and it's derivatives (from stan)
llikT(x, df, mean = 0, sd = 1, full = FALSE)
data frame with fx
for the log pdf value of with dDf
and dSd
that has the derivatives with respect to the parameters at
the observation time-point
x <- seq(-3, 3, length.out = 21)
llikT(x, 7, 0, 1)
#> fx dDf dMean dSd
#> 1 -4.2612484 -0.086858773 -1.5000000 3.5000000
#> 2 -3.8091335 -0.060260433 -1.5115465 3.0811756
#> 3 -3.3561547 -0.037201674 -1.5047022 2.6112853
#> 4 -2.9088542 -0.018379169 -1.4723926 2.0920245
#> 5 -2.4761000 -0.004340221 -1.4062500 1.5312500
#> 6 -2.0693878 0.004691380 -1.2972973 0.9459459
#> 7 -1.7028228 0.009010785 -1.1374408 0.3649289
#> 8 -1.3925134 0.009569214 -0.9218950 -0.1702945
#> 9 -1.1551333 0.007927361 -0.6521739 -0.6086957
#> 10 -1.0056349 0.005918024 -0.3385049 -0.8984485
#> 11 -0.9545342 0.005051942 0.0000000 -1.0000000
#> 12 -1.0056349 0.005918024 0.3385049 -0.8984485
#> 13 -1.1551333 0.007927361 0.6521739 -0.6086957
#> 14 -1.3925134 0.009569214 0.9218950 -0.1702945
#> 15 -1.7028228 0.009010785 1.1374408 0.3649289
#> 16 -2.0693878 0.004691380 1.2972973 0.9459459
#> 17 -2.4761000 -0.004340221 1.4062500 1.5312500
#> 18 -2.9088542 -0.018379169 1.4723926 2.0920245
#> 19 -3.3561547 -0.037201674 1.5047022 2.6112853
#> 20 -3.8091335 -0.060260433 1.5115465 3.0811756
#> 21 -4.2612484 -0.086858773 1.5000000 3.5000000
llikT(x, 15, 0, 1, full=TRUE)
#> x df mean sd fx dDf dMean dSd
#> 1 -3.0 15 0 1 -4.6956220 -0.0338931511 -2.0000000 5.0000000
#> 2 -2.7 15 0 1 -4.1042965 -0.0225073150 -1.9380888 4.2328398
#> 3 -2.4 15 0 1 -3.5354158 -0.0134033865 -1.8497110 3.4393064
#> 4 -2.1 15 0 1 -2.9974985 -0.0065857823 -1.7310665 2.6352396
#> 5 -1.8 15 0 1 -2.5001272 -0.0019378861 -1.5789474 1.8421053
#> 6 -1.5 15 0 1 -2.0536885 0.0007929097 -1.3913043 1.0869565
#> 7 -1.2 15 0 1 -1.6689304 0.0019903977 -1.1678832 0.4014599
#> 8 -0.9 15 0 1 -1.3563325 0.0021369166 -0.9108159 -0.1802657
#> 9 -0.6 15 0 1 -1.1253251 0.0017504002 -0.6250000 -0.6250000
#> 10 -0.3 15 0 1 -0.9834495 0.0012985422 -0.3180915 -0.9045726
#> 11 0.0 15 0 1 -0.9355929 0.0011086635 0.0000000 -1.0000000
#> 12 0.3 15 0 1 -0.9834495 0.0012985422 0.3180915 -0.9045726
#> 13 0.6 15 0 1 -1.1253251 0.0017504002 0.6250000 -0.6250000
#> 14 0.9 15 0 1 -1.3563325 0.0021369166 0.9108159 -0.1802657
#> 15 1.2 15 0 1 -1.6689304 0.0019903977 1.1678832 0.4014599
#> 16 1.5 15 0 1 -2.0536885 0.0007929097 1.3913043 1.0869565
#> 17 1.8 15 0 1 -2.5001272 -0.0019378861 1.5789474 1.8421053
#> 18 2.1 15 0 1 -2.9974985 -0.0065857823 1.7310665 2.6352396
#> 19 2.4 15 0 1 -3.5354158 -0.0134033865 1.8497110 3.4393064
#> 20 2.7 15 0 1 -4.1042965 -0.0225073150 1.9380888 4.2328398
#> 21 3.0 15 0 1 -4.6956220 -0.0338931511 2.0000000 5.0000000