log likelihood of Cauchy distribution and it's derivatives (from stan)
llikCauchy(x, location = 0, scale = 1, full = FALSE)
data frame with fx
for the log pdf value of with
and dScale
that has the derivatives with respect to the parameters at
the observation time-point
x <- seq(-3, 3, length.out = 21)
llikCauchy(x, 0, 1)
#> fx dLocation dScale
#> 1 -3.447315 -0.6000000 0.8000000
#> 2 -3.259780 -0.6513872 0.7587455
#> 3 -3.055753 -0.7100592 0.7041420
#> 4 -2.832979 -0.7763401 0.6303142
#> 5 -2.589293 -0.8490566 0.5283019
#> 6 -2.323385 -0.9230769 0.3846154
#> 7 -2.036728 -0.9836066 0.1803279
#> 8 -1.738057 -0.9944751 -0.1049724
#> 9 -1.452215 -0.8823529 -0.4705882
#> 10 -1.230908 -0.5504587 -0.8348624
#> 11 -1.144730 0.0000000 -1.0000000
#> 12 -1.230908 0.5504587 -0.8348624
#> 13 -1.452215 0.8823529 -0.4705882
#> 14 -1.738057 0.9944751 -0.1049724
#> 15 -2.036728 0.9836066 0.1803279
#> 16 -2.323385 0.9230769 0.3846154
#> 17 -2.589293 0.8490566 0.5283019
#> 18 -2.832979 0.7763401 0.6303142
#> 19 -3.055753 0.7100592 0.7041420
#> 20 -3.259780 0.6513872 0.7587455
#> 21 -3.447315 0.6000000 0.8000000
llikCauchy(x, 3, 1, full=TRUE)
#> x location scale fx dLocation dScale
#> 1 -3.0 3 1 -4.755648 -0.3243243 0.9459459
#> 2 -2.7 3 1 -4.655977 -0.3404001 0.9402807
#> 3 -2.4 3 1 -4.551246 -0.3580902 0.9336870
#> 4 -2.1 3 1 -4.440937 -0.3776379 0.9259534
#> 5 -1.8 3 1 -4.324449 -0.3993344 0.9168053
#> 6 -1.5 3 1 -4.201087 -0.4235294 0.9058824
#> 7 -1.2 3 1 -4.070040 -0.4506438 0.8927039
#> 8 -0.9 3 1 -3.930358 -0.4811845 0.8766194
#> 9 -0.6 3 1 -3.780926 -0.5157593 0.8567335
#> 10 -0.3 3 1 -3.620428 -0.5550883 0.8317914
#> 11 0.0 3 1 -3.447315 -0.6000000 0.8000000
#> 12 0.3 3 1 -3.259780 -0.6513872 0.7587455
#> 13 0.6 3 1 -3.055753 -0.7100592 0.7041420
#> 14 0.9 3 1 -2.832979 -0.7763401 0.6303142
#> 15 1.2 3 1 -2.589293 -0.8490566 0.5283019
#> 16 1.5 3 1 -2.323385 -0.9230769 0.3846154
#> 17 1.8 3 1 -2.036728 -0.9836066 0.1803279
#> 18 2.1 3 1 -1.738057 -0.9944751 -0.1049724
#> 19 2.4 3 1 -1.452215 -0.8823529 -0.4705882
#> 20 2.7 3 1 -1.230908 -0.5504587 -0.8348624
#> 21 3.0 3 1 -1.144730 0.0000000 -1.0000000