log likelihood of Cauchy distribution and it's derivatives (from stan)

llikCauchy(x, location = 0, scale = 1, full = FALSE)




location, scale

location and scale parameters.


Add the data frame showing x, mean, sd as well as the fx and derivatives


data frame with fx for the log pdf value of with dLocation and dScale that has the derivatives with respect to the parameters at the observation time-point


Matthew L. Fidler


x <- seq(-3, 3, length.out = 21)

llikCauchy(x, 0, 1)
#>           fx  dLocation     dScale
#> 1  -3.447315 -0.6000000  0.8000000
#> 2  -3.259780 -0.6513872  0.7587455
#> 3  -3.055753 -0.7100592  0.7041420
#> 4  -2.832979 -0.7763401  0.6303142
#> 5  -2.589293 -0.8490566  0.5283019
#> 6  -2.323385 -0.9230769  0.3846154
#> 7  -2.036728 -0.9836066  0.1803279
#> 8  -1.738057 -0.9944751 -0.1049724
#> 9  -1.452215 -0.8823529 -0.4705882
#> 10 -1.230908 -0.5504587 -0.8348624
#> 11 -1.144730  0.0000000 -1.0000000
#> 12 -1.230908  0.5504587 -0.8348624
#> 13 -1.452215  0.8823529 -0.4705882
#> 14 -1.738057  0.9944751 -0.1049724
#> 15 -2.036728  0.9836066  0.1803279
#> 16 -2.323385  0.9230769  0.3846154
#> 17 -2.589293  0.8490566  0.5283019
#> 18 -2.832979  0.7763401  0.6303142
#> 19 -3.055753  0.7100592  0.7041420
#> 20 -3.259780  0.6513872  0.7587455
#> 21 -3.447315  0.6000000  0.8000000

llikCauchy(x, 3, 1, full=TRUE)
#>       x location scale        fx  dLocation     dScale
#> 1  -3.0        3     1 -4.755648 -0.3243243  0.9459459
#> 2  -2.7        3     1 -4.655977 -0.3404001  0.9402807
#> 3  -2.4        3     1 -4.551246 -0.3580902  0.9336870
#> 4  -2.1        3     1 -4.440937 -0.3776379  0.9259534
#> 5  -1.8        3     1 -4.324449 -0.3993344  0.9168053
#> 6  -1.5        3     1 -4.201087 -0.4235294  0.9058824
#> 7  -1.2        3     1 -4.070040 -0.4506438  0.8927039
#> 8  -0.9        3     1 -3.930358 -0.4811845  0.8766194
#> 9  -0.6        3     1 -3.780926 -0.5157593  0.8567335
#> 10 -0.3        3     1 -3.620428 -0.5550883  0.8317914
#> 11  0.0        3     1 -3.447315 -0.6000000  0.8000000
#> 12  0.3        3     1 -3.259780 -0.6513872  0.7587455
#> 13  0.6        3     1 -3.055753 -0.7100592  0.7041420
#> 14  0.9        3     1 -2.832979 -0.7763401  0.6303142
#> 15  1.2        3     1 -2.589293 -0.8490566  0.5283019
#> 16  1.5        3     1 -2.323385 -0.9230769  0.3846154
#> 17  1.8        3     1 -2.036728 -0.9836066  0.1803279
#> 18  2.1        3     1 -1.738057 -0.9944751 -0.1049724
#> 19  2.4        3     1 -1.452215 -0.8823529 -0.4705882
#> 20  2.7        3     1 -1.230908 -0.5504587 -0.8348624
#> 21  3.0        3     1 -1.144730  0.0000000 -1.0000000