Calculate the log likelihood of the binomial function (and its derivatives)
llikBeta(x, shape1, shape2, full = FALSE)
data frame with fx
for the log pdf value of with
and dShape2
that has the derivatives with respect to the parameters at
the observation time-point
x <- seq(1e-4, 1 - 1e-4, length.out = 21)
llikBeta(x, 0.5, 0.5)
#> fx dShape1 dShape2
#> 1 3.46049030 -7.82404601 1.38619436
#> 2 0.37793108 -1.60763953 1.33490633
#> 3 0.05888752 -0.91549105 1.28084495
#> 4 -0.11510253 -0.51035907 1.22369308
#> 5 -0.22855163 -0.22284360 1.16307581
#> 6 -0.30780832 0.00019998 1.09854562
#> 7 -0.36444410 0.18245488 1.02956227
#> 8 -0.40444714 0.33655795 0.95546529
#> 9 -0.43118004 0.47005363 0.87543540
#> 10 -0.44655956 0.58780889 0.78843918
#> 11 -0.45158271 0.69314718 0.69314718
#> 12 -0.44655956 0.78843918 0.58780889
#> 13 -0.43118004 0.87543540 0.47005363
#> 14 -0.40444714 0.95546529 0.33655795
#> 15 -0.36444410 1.02956227 0.18245488
#> 16 -0.30780832 1.09854562 0.00019998
#> 17 -0.22855163 1.16307581 -0.22284360
#> 18 -0.11510253 1.22369308 -0.51035907
#> 19 0.05888752 1.28084495 -0.91549105
#> 20 0.37793108 1.33490633 -1.60763953
#> 21 3.46049030 1.38619436 -7.82404601
llikBeta(x, 1, 3, TRUE)
#> x shape1 shape2 fx dShape1 dShape2
#> 1 0.00010 1 3 1.09841228 -7.37700704 0.33323333
#> 2 0.05009 1 3 0.99583622 -1.16060056 0.28194530
#> 3 0.10008 1 3 0.88771347 -0.46845208 0.22788392
#> 4 0.15007 1 3 0.77340972 -0.06332009 0.17073205
#> 5 0.20006 1 3 0.65217518 0.22419538 0.11011478
#> 6 0.25005 1 3 0.52311481 0.44723895 0.04558459
#> 7 0.30004 1 3 0.38514811 0.62949385 -0.02339876
#> 8 0.35003 1 3 0.23695415 0.78359692 -0.09749574
#> 9 0.40002 1 3 0.07689437 0.91709260 -0.17752562
#> 10 0.45001 1 3 -0.09709808 1.03484786 -0.26452185
#> 11 0.50000 1 3 -0.28768207 1.14018615 -0.35981385
#> 12 0.54999 1 3 -0.49835866 1.23547815 -0.46515214
#> 13 0.59998 1 3 -0.73386918 1.32247438 -0.58290740
#> 14 0.64997 1 3 -1.00086054 1.40250426 -0.71640308
#> 15 0.69996 1 3 -1.30906667 1.47660124 -0.87050615
#> 16 0.74995 1 3 -1.67357647 1.54558459 -1.05276105
#> 17 0.79994 1 3 -2.11966363 1.61011478 -1.27580462
#> 18 0.84993 1 3 -2.69469457 1.67073205 -1.56332009
#> 19 0.89992 1 3 -3.50495854 1.72788392 -1.96845208
#> 20 0.94991 1 3 -4.88925549 1.78194530 -2.66060056
#> 21 0.99990 1 3 -17.32206846 1.83323333 -8.87700704