For a given figure id and report type this will pull out the dimensions of the figure.
obnd = read_template(
template = system.file(package="nlmixr2rpt", "templates","nlmixr_obnd_template.pptx"),
mapping = system.file(package="nlmixr2rpt", "templates","nlmixr_obnd_template.yaml"))
# This will create an example fit object to use in the examples below
fit = fetch_fit_example()
# This reads in the report details as well
rptdetails = yaml_read_fit(
obnd = obnd,
rptyaml = system.file(package="nlmixr2rpt", "examples", "report_fit_test.yaml"),
fit = fit)$rptdetails
fetch_fdim(obnd=obnd, fid="bad_figure", fdim="width", rptdetails=rptdetails)
#> [1] 9.5
fetch_fdim(obnd=obnd, fid="bad_figure", fdim="height", rptdetails=rptdetails)
#> [1] 5